Tech Deep Dive: DAC vs AOC

By October 23, 2023Knowledge base

Direct Attach Cables (DACs) and Active Optical Cables (AOCs) are two critical technologies for high-speed data transmission in modern networking infrastructure. DACs utilize copper conductors to transmit electrical signals over short distances, while AOCs leverage optical fiber technology for long-distance, high-bandwidth connectivity.

Direct Attach Cables (DACs)

  • Copper-Based Connectivity: DACs utilize copper conductors to transmit electrical signals, making them suitable for short-distance connections within data centers and enterprise networks.
  • Copper Twinaxial Design: DACs have a twinaxial copper cable design that minimizes signal loss, reduces electromagnetic interference (EMI), and ensures low latency.
  • Compatibility and Protocol Support: DACs are available in various lengths and are compatible with a range of networking equipment. They support protocols such as Ethernet, InfiniBand, and Fibre Channel.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: DACs are known for their cost efficiency, offering a budget-friendly alternative to optical cables for short-distance connections. Their straightforward installation and plug-and-play nature further contribute to cost savings.

Active Optical Cables (AOCs)

  • Optical Fiber Transmission: AOCs leverage optical fiber technology for data transmission, allowing for high-speed and long-distance connectivity.
  • Active Components: AOCs incorporate active components, including laser drivers and photo detectors, to convert electrical signals into optical signals and vice versa. This active design enhances signal integrity and extends the reach of data transmission.
  • Immunity to Interference: AOCs are immune to EMI and radio-frequency interference (RFI), making them ideal for use in electrically noisy environments like data centers.
  • Bandwidth and Distance Flexibility: AOCs offer exceptional bandwidth, supporting high data rates such as 10G, 25G, 40G, and 100G, and they can transmit data over longer distances compared to copper-based alternatives.
  • Diverse Applications: AOCs find applications in data centers, telecommunications networks, high-performance computing clusters, and other scenarios where high-speed, long-distance connectivity is essential.


DACs and AOCs are two distinct yet complementary technologies that play pivotal roles in modern networking infrastructure. DACs are a cost-effective solution for short-distance connections, while AOCs provide the high bandwidth and extended reach required for long-distance, high-performance networking applications. Organizations should carefully consider their specific needs when selecting the most suitable connectivity solution to ensure efficient and reliable data transmission.

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